Services and Rates

Hypnotherapy and Customized Audio-Recording Session Rates (U.S. Dollars)
Hypnotherapy Sessions Typically Last 60 Minutes Unless Otherwise Noted Below...
Your first in-person session may be slightly longer than usual (but no extra charge) because it consists of a "cognitive" (non-hypnosis) discussion of your presenting issue plus a short, "Theory of Mind" presentation which will give you a fascinating insight into a new world. That is followed by a "Suggestibility Exercise" to discover your personality type and the best wording that will resonate with your subconscious mind.
I will explain how hypnosis can safely access your subconscious programming with its "known associations" in order to modify old programming that is detrimental or no longer desired in order to help you to reach your new goals. I will create a comfortable hypnotic state using a "primary-induction" followed by "deepening-techniques" and "guided-imagery" and finally, "post-hypnotic suggestions for success."
Any following sessions will utilize both "cognitive" therapy for review as well as "hypnosis" which will build upon the success of previous sessions. Every session will include hypnosis to address your specific goals and desires.
I provide up to 20-minutes for a hypnosis consultation at NO CHARGE to assess your therapeutic needs. Please feel free to email me at steven@hypnolux.com in order to find out more or to schedule a session. Please Note: I do not offer advice for, diagnose, prescribe or treat any medical symptoms or conditions.
Hypnotherapy Sessions in Office
60-minute session ................................................................................................................................ $220.
120-minute session ($60 discount) ................................................................................................. $380.
☞ ☞ ☞ Special Bonus: Pre-Pay (5) 60-Minute In-Office Sessions
Get a $300 Discount ................................................................................................................... $800.
Audio-Recorded Hypnotherapy Sessions
Each session is customized and recorded just for you
✓ Have a Healthy, Perfected Body Image Now ................................................................. $119.
✓ Physical Healing Visualization and Restoration ........................................................... $119.
✓ Improve Your Memory ................................................................................................................. $119.
✓ Eliminate Wealth-Blocks to Create Abundance ................................................................ $119.
✓ Freedom from Procrastination: Get things done to achieve your goals ................. $119.
✓ Eliminate F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) .............................................................. $119.
✓ Creating a Positively-Impressioned Mindset. ..................................................................... $119.
✓ Build a Confident Self-Image plus Anchoring Empowering Affirmations ................... $119.
✓ Enter the "Fantasy Library" to Rescript Harmful Belief/Behavior Patterns .......... $119.
✓ Soothing Relaxation and Stress Relief ....................................................................................... $119.
Note: To find out what others think of my customized, audio-recorded hypnotherapy
sessions, please click here >> Testimonials
Skype or Phone Hypnotherapy Sessions
60-minute Skype/Phone session ..................................................................................................... $200.
30-minute Skype/Phone session ...................................................................................................... $100.
☞ ☞ ☞ Special Bonus: Pre-Pay (5) 60-Minute Skype/Phone Sessions
Get a $300 Discount ................................................................................................................... $700.
Reiki Sessions (In-Person Only)
Graduate of "Usui-Tibetan Reiki Ryoho"
60-minute session ................................................................................................................................. $140.
30-minute session .............................................................................................................................................. $70.
FOR PETS: 20 to 30-minute session ........................................................................................................... $60.
Private At-Home Sessions
If you require Hypnotherapy sessions at home due to media confidentiality or privacy concerns,
please contact me, or you might want to consider a customized, audio-recorded session to be
emailed to your home or office.
☺ As a courtesy, a 24 hr. cancellation policy applies to all "in-person" sessions
A client must give a 24-hour notice on any cancellation or change of a scheduled, in-person appointment. If not, a client will be charged at the regular rate when missing a scheduled appointment without prior cancellation or if cancelling with less than 24 hours notice.
Everything on this page may be purchased through a secure and encrypted PayPal order below. After clicking on the orange, Buy Now button, please enter the correct amount of your purchase in the "Price per item" box when the form appears. Then click the "Continue" button to pay by PayPal. You may also use your credit or debit card with the Buy Now button below even if you do not have a PayPal account.

Note: Hypnotherapists are not licensed by the healing arts and in some cases, a medical referral is required.